Thursday, January 13, 2011

Unbelief Prayers

"My Savior Christ, before You healed the blind men who cried out for Your mercy, You asked them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" After they replied, "Yes, Lord," You touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you." (Matt 9:28-29) Father, clearly my faith impacts what You are willing to perform in my life. Please help me to believe that You are able."

So there is no misunderstanding, let me clarify: just because God has not answered, "yes," to your prayer, does not mean you lack faith.  If you are praying in faith, praying with expectation, within God's will and He says, "no," or "not yet," this does not mean you lack faith.  The Apostle Paul had great faith, yet when he asked for the thorn in his flesh to be removed God answered, "My grace is sufficient."
Where some pray faithlessly, others pray in faith and God desires for your faith to grow.  He is sovereign and knows what is best for each of us.  Keep praying my friends and believe He is able.

"Father, Your Word says that if Your disciples believe, they will receive whatever they ask for in prayer. (Matt 21:22) Lord, as You mature my faith, also teach me how to pray and what to ask of You in prayer. I have so much to learn. Keep teaching me, Father."

Prayers from Beth Moore's, Praying God's Word: Breaking Free From Spiritual Strongholds

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