Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today i've been reminded of what amazing things God has done in the past few months. I am in awe of the hearts that have been touched simply by watching Christ through my imperfect body.

I was greeted with an exuberant smile and hug by a man i've not formally met. We were in a workshop together last spring, before i was having trouble walking. A few weeks after that, my body 'crashed' at dress rehearsal for the show i was in. The very next day i performed the show in a wheelchair. This man saw that show; which was the next and last time i saw him until today. I am convinced that he was touched by the performance. Whether he recognized it as God's power or not.

It is truely awesome how God can create beauty out of imperfect instruments. And astounding that, the more frail i have become the more of God's glory i have seen! "For when i am weak, then i am strong."

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