Friday, November 5, 2010

Autism the Musical and The Miracle Project

For the past five years I have been met with great frustration. I knew I had talents in acting, dance and music, but with a new illness my body was too weak to perform. I was heart broken and left to wonder why God would give me such passion for the arts without the ability to carry them out.

Two years ago I thought it would be cool to teach arts to underprivileged children. I was constantly looking in at locations for rent (there were so many after the recession) and dreaming of turning one into a studio. Even though I was excited, I knew I was still not well enough.

A year ago, as I was volunteering at a pregnancy clinic I was convicted. Although my help there was good, I was in the wrong place. God wanted me to work with children; children with special needs, who were outcast and undervalued.

This week I have taken the first step toward what I believe God made me for.   I see that if He hadn't broken my body, I might be an actress in Hollywood not using the spiritual gifts given to me at my new birth.  This epiphany and opportunity come as I am beginning to feel better... in God's perfect timing.

Here is a peek at what I hope to do:

1 comment:

Jo said...

Someone told me that you would be doing this, and I think that's an awesome idea! It's right up your alley, and I think God has equipped you for ministry in this area. I'm looking forward to what God has in store for you!