Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Security

I really dislike October.  Every year I forget, and every year it rolls in like a fog.  Once again, I feel like I am standing on top of a totem pole and someone is at the bottom chopping away. 
Earlier this year, a good friend suggested I read, So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore.  It turned out to be one of the most encouraging and helpful books I have ever read.  It met me right where I was and showed me how I was giving away my strength, dignity, security in Christ, and Christ's righteousness that has been credited to me.  I was giving away the gifts that God had given me!
I realize my past life has made me susceptible to these feelings and actions; but now I have Christ to cover me! 
To my sisters in Christ who are struggling, I would like to pass on these words from Beth Moore (and highly recommend you read her book).  I remind myself with these words daily.  They have been a wonderful help in keeping the gifts of my Father and protecting from the enemy's flaming arrows.

 In Jesus' name, I am clothed with strength and dignity!

You can hurt my feelings, but you cannot have my security.  I won't let you.  It's mine to keep.  You cannot have it.  You can criticize me and even be right about what i did wrong, but you do not get to damage my security.  It's mine to keep.  You cannot have it.
You might have embarrassed me, but I refuse to let it fall on me so heavily that it smothers my security.  It's mine to keep.  You cannot have it.
You may be so intimidating and threatening that I feel I have to hand a lot of things to you, but I refuse to hand over my security.  Who you are doesn't get to dwarf who I am.  My security is mine to keep.  You cannot have it.
You do not get to go that deep.  I refuse to let your words to go all the way from my ears to the core of who I am.  Nope, I'm not doing it.

You may have broken my heart and shaken me up, but you cannot have my security.  I will not give it up to you or anyone else.  I am a woman of God, clothed in strength and dignity, and no one gets to take those things from me.

In Jesus' name, I am clothed with strength and dignity!

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