Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Dear Sisters




The scriptures declare in grace,
"How lovely is the Lord's dwelling place."
So I say in the presence of His face,
my sisters, you are lovely.
But when you forget,
the one who paid your debt,
marred to death in blood and sweat,
who counted it joy with no regret,
my sisters, you begin to drift.

You run with the crowd,
wayward and loud.
you say, indignant and proud
"I'm only a little flirt,
just a small hike of my skirt,
one more button down of my shirt,"
until you are in full revert,
dressed like a prostitute.
Your feet never stay at home,
now in the street, now in the square
in every corner you roam.
All while praising His name,
and worshiping His fame?
Thinking you are the queen,
screaming, "Listen to me sing,"
Girl that action must be forsaken,
or your crown will be taken.

Soon you are inert,
no way to avert,
stained and hurt,
like an ox being lead to the slaughter,
and you lead your brothers there too.

Do not deny it,
I am a woman too,
I've been there too,
maybe not exactly the same as you,
but I've been there too.
The sting of rejection,
the strain of comparison,
billboards, music videos, reality TV and celebrity.
And sometimes closer to home,
the worship singer,
community group leader,
the 'it' girl, male attention feeder.
Yes, we even do it to each other.

Do not trip another woman's insecurity switch
with your own finger digging in to pull out a stitch
keep walking that road my sister, and there will be silence.

Do you know you do it out of fear?
Fear of what you'll lose...
adoration, confirmation, exultation,
they are Satan's ruse.
My sister, why cling to what you can loose? 
Pursue a heart changed by the only One you cannot.

So I will say to those with a fearful heart,
Fear not!
Behold your God will come
with vengeance He won't stop 'till its done,
O, yes, you are forgiven in Love.
He will come,
and save you,
deliver you,
care for you.
He will wipe every tear from your face,
taking away your disgrace,
that cannot be hidden in make-up and lace,
for the Lord has spoken!

Do not be jealous, deceived or reprieved
remember the day you first believed! 
Do not forget Christ's righteousness has been given to you!
You are clothed with strength and dignity!
Please do not give that away,
a little flirting for play,
a pet sin promised to save,
to the guy that is willing to pay,
my sister, that is prostitution.
Remember your restitution,
in the constitution of Christ!

© Jennifer Lynn - 2010

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