Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bearing the Burden

It is impossible to bear some burdens on your own. That is why there is community.
Today i learned that bearing the burdens of others makes my burden lighter. I realize that that makes no sense whatsoever, but here is my theory:
By sharing burdens, we not only distribute the weight but it can also give a much due break from thinking only of yourself. Also, a little empathy goes a long way.

1 comment:

Mrs. Martin said...

You dont know me, but I want to let you know that what you say is true, and even though it may not seem to make sense, it does. I understand what it is like to go through alot of pain. I think that it makes it easier because we forget about ourselves when we help others, making it easier to be uplifted and not have the burden hanging so far down around our necks. We can understand and help others and usually have much patience in helping others when we see them hurting, becuase we understand. I think that maybe sometimes things like what you have and the things like what I have gone through help us because we are those that are strong enough to help lift others while carring our own as well. I wish you the best of luck. Things will always get better. just believe that with all your heart.